Saturday, June 28, 2008

Organization Avoidance

Riverdogs Baseball at "The Joe"

Not too surprisingly, the Riverdogs lost miserably!! Afterall, they are a Yankee's farm team. We did, however, see two homeruns--one from each team.

Irvin House Vinyard, Wadmalaw, SC

Who knew that Charleston had a vineyard!! Apparently, Irvin House is the only vineyard in the area and they specialize in Muscadine Grapes/Wine. We did a little wine-tasting and then took a "tour" of the storage/fermenting part of the vineyard, given by the owner of the vineyard himself. Normally a tour of the vineyard itself is included, but that part was skipped due to do the heat and humidity.

Mark, Erin, and Player Yet to be Named at the Angel Oak

We decided to stop by the Angel Oak on our way home from the vineyard. This tree is the oldest live oak in the Southeast and is about 1500 years old. Pictures certainly don't do it justice! You can read more about it here:

Nana and Poppy at the Angel Oak

This helps give some perspective, but this isn't even the most impressive view!! There were lots of people picnicing and kids running around. It's a very beautiful place! There was also some random girl taking glamour shots on different branches . . . she gave us quite the snicker as we walked around the tree :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sex And The City: Girl's Night Out

Jess and I took the BumbleBee out for GNO. I had to bring flip-flops with me to drive and then stash them in my purse while I slipped on my heels to go out! But it was so much fun to drive around all dressed up in my redneck, jacked-up Jeep! I wish we'd taken a picture of that! We waited until Jessica could come into town before we actually went to see the movie. It's all about your girlfriends, so it didn't make much sense to me to see the movie without my BFF there :)
At The Movies: Amy, Erin, Jessica, and Angelique
There were too many people hanging out around the theater when the movie started to take a picture as cheesy as this, but when we got out of the movie at 1:15 AM, there was another group of girls walking out behind us, and I simply walked up to them and said, "I know it's silly, but would you mind taking our picture in front of the poster?" The response? "Only if you take ours, too!!" So we did :)

Dinner at Vickery's on Shem Creek: Erin, Jessica, Angelique, and Amy

So the baby had one, tiny Cosmo . . . I think it'll be OK :) Besides, if it turns out to be a girl, she'll be so grateful to have participated in SATC GNO!!

We all felt a little silly when we showed up all dressed up (people in Charleston don't really dress up to go out) and ordered Cosmos. I said something to the waitress about it and the SATC phenomenom, and she laughed and said, "You guys are definitely not the first and you won't be the last!" We went to the bar across the street from the theater afterwards to discuss and have a nightcap (I had water), and several people just looked at us and asked: "Sex in the city?" Yes, yes, we're typical girls and we really, really liked the show . . . what can we say?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Kitchen Sink

TAKE 2. -advice to bloggers, don't click on a photo in the preview window and then back. All updates are lost.

The Kitchen Sink has been moved from west to east side of the kitchen. I had previously T'ed in the hot cold and drain pipe and have now made the move along with the gracious help of Matt all day last Sunday and even part of Monday. We now have a temporary sink set up until I can get the other side of the kitchen cabinets knocked out and then the real countertops will get put in all at once.

The garbage disposal works and the "brand new" 2 year old dishwasher is now installed and functional and has run through it's first cycle. It's wicked quiet!

Friday, June 13, 2008

When Bev North Meets Bev South

Nap Time on the Boat

Max: "I am looking GOOD! Snazzy outfit, hot chick, wicked fast bike . . . I LOVE the South! Now, who's got the garage door opener?"

Max: "Isn't my Uncle Mark the best!! I think he's totally groovy. But seriously, what's up with that beard?"

Nana and Poppy and Rowan Visit

Visit to the Aquarium

Trip to Fort Sumter

Out in the Boat

Latest Work Pix

Latest baby pix: "TRAUMA" at midnight on June 10th (20 Weeks)
Side Profile

Looking Straight Out
"Freaky" Skeleton Baby