Sunday, August 15, 2010

Illinois Trip Part 2

Alton, a little town outside of St. Louis

The Piasa
Part of the Illinois Crew under the The Piasa in Alton

Lucy and Daddy and the Mississippi River, next to The Piasa
Flooding along the Mississippi River

Skeptical, yet humored couple

Cousin Rowan playing horsey with Cousin Lucy

Need I say more . . . the church next to my aunt's house

The City Museum in St. Louis, A.K.A., "The Craziest Place on Earth" . . . think Alice in Wonderland and rabbit holes everywhere, including the floor

Happy Booger

One of many floor murals at The City Museum

Just a hint of craziness . . . a hollow whale in the middle of "The Cave Area" where children disappear and reappear from various rabbit holes

Bridge from Illinois to Missouri . . . look familiar?

Lucy goes down the slide all by herself and puking up her Noodles and Smoothie!

Auntie Cousin Sam with "Little" Eddie and Lucy

"Fast" Eddie and Lucy

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Illinois Trip Part 1

Lucy in the back seat of the van with Cousin Rowan and Great Aunt Kathryn's
granddaughter, Kristy, playing on every car ride

Lucy, the consummate American patriot

Lucy and her Ritz . . . just try to get them away from her!

Lucy and Cousin Samantha after pilfering a gumdrop from Great Aunt Carole's trailmix

Cousin Claire passed out from a day of playing and some Benadryl after an allergic dog reaction

Erin next to the giant tree in the middle of Aunt Carole's porch . . . not looking her finest, but at least upright after having gastroenteritis

Cousin Claire and Cousin Lucy smooching

Yeah!!! Alright!!!

Miller Sisters ready for bed!! (But not before Erin gets her work done!!)

Lucy playing Mozart, wait I mean Beethovian, wait "Chopsticks", no, okay, she's just banging keys . . . I'm not gonna lie :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Been a while

OK so now that Lucy started school today and is going to bed before me, I have time to post pictures! She did well today and didn't appear to have any separation anxiety.

Lucy on the 4th of July. We went to the new water front park. Note: She still fits into the same outfit she wore last year!

Lucy getting some email out.

Lucy's first day of School!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010