Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas 2007

Well I FINALLY have a bloom on my Christmas cactus. Granted it was only one but it was very exciting nonetheless. Erin made her first wreath from greenery from our Virginia trip. It came out very nice.
Our skinny little discount tree and the bounty of gifts we had. Rowan had a hard time staying out of photos.
There are two very large stockings here and somehow they belong to the same person! Guess who that is...
Bad Ass Rowan on his new scooter. Helmet and pads were forthcoming.

After they did some pipework down the street and shut our water off for a few hours, when they hooked everything back up, they opened up the fire hydrant to flush the system. Rowan couldn't help himself and even though it was in the high 50's, he is soaked here.

We went to the James Island County Park for the Festival of Lights. Erin, Rowan and Anna decided to ride in the back back and watch the lights from there. Helen, Dennis and I stayed inside the warm cab.
Dennis poses in front of this year's sand sculpture.

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