Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Kitchen Sink

TAKE 2. -advice to bloggers, don't click on a photo in the preview window and then back. All updates are lost.

The Kitchen Sink has been moved from west to east side of the kitchen. I had previously T'ed in the hot cold and drain pipe and have now made the move along with the gracious help of Matt all day last Sunday and even part of Monday. We now have a temporary sink set up until I can get the other side of the kitchen cabinets knocked out and then the real countertops will get put in all at once.

The garbage disposal works and the "brand new" 2 year old dishwasher is now installed and functional and has run through it's first cycle. It's wicked quiet!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Nice sink! I can't wait to see more progress pictures.